If You Can't Watch the Game in Person... 5 Reasons to Watch at Wicked Willie's Sports Grill!

When given the chance, watching any sporting event live and in-person is an experience you simply can't resist. Of course, this isn't always possible but watching them at our Lake of the Ozarks sports bar & grill is the next best thing. In some ways, watching all the games at Wicked Willie's Sports Grill in Osage Beach is actually better! 

It's Comfortable
When you watch your favorite sporting events at Wicked Willie's, it doesn't matter what the weather is doing outside. We're dry when it rains, cool in the summer, cozy in the winter, and you've always got a great view of all the action. 

Our chairs are a lot more comfortable than most bleacher seats and if you're early enough to snag those comfy chairs in the center of the room, you'll really be sitting pretty. Also, we host a family-friendly atmosphere around here so even the youngest of sports fans can have a good time. The world needs future sports fans too! 

You Can Watch More Than 1 Game
When you catch a game live, that's the only event you can see. Here at the best place to watch sports at the Lake of the Ozarks, we've got 31 TVs and 3 giant projection screens placed all around the entire restaurant and bar. That means you can keep tabs on every single sporting event going on at that moment without taking too much attention away from your main game.

Short Walk to the Restrooms
Stadiums, ballparks, and other sporting venues rarely have restrooms close enough to your seats that you don't miss a big chunk of the action if you have to go. Our restrooms are just a few steps away from every seat in the house, plus we keep them nice and clean. 

Team Spirit
When you watch a game in person, you get an awesome rush from the excitement and camaraderie of your fellow fans. Our Lake of the Ozarks sports bar has that too! There will be plenty of other sports fans to cheer for your favorite team. Of course, you're bound to run into a few rival fans too, but it's all fun and games around here! A bit of light-hearted competition is good for you.  

Better Food & Drinks
We're a LOT more than just hot dogs, nachos, and extremely expensive beers at Wicked Willie's! That's what your options usually consist of at the stadium. 

Here, the prices are going to be a lot more reasonable and you're going to get gourmet food options prepared with fresh ingredients. Our drinks will be much less expensive than a stadium beer and during many big games, we'll even offer some terrific bucket and shot specials. 

If you get the chance to go to a sporting event in person, go for it! It's an exciting experience that everyone should get the chance to have. For those times when you're going to watch the game on TV anyway, head on over to our Lake of the Ozarks bar & restaurant. Wicked Willie's Sports Grill always has all the games and the more fans we have filling the seats, the more fun those games are for everyone to watch! 

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5384 Osage Beach Pkwy
Osage Beach, MO 65065
(573) 693-1777 


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